May you never steal, lie, or cheat, but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn't live a day without you.. GeMb|raKah KaMu B|La BeRsAmaku? TeNaNgKaH HaT|mU BiLa D'SiS|kU? BaHaG|aKaH KaMu DLm DaKaPaNkU? SaYaNgKaH KaMu Pd Dir|kU?

03 April, 2013

masih Sayang

bile kite sygkn seseorg tu,
then bile kite da xde pape dgn dia,
dan bile kite cuba utk lupekn dia,
msa tu la keadaan yg amat sukar skali utk dilalui,
tiap kali nk lupekn, tiap kali tu gak la sakit,
dan bile kite da lupekn, bile terigt blk, bile terimbas jek,
rsa benci sgt,
dan kite tau, benci itu mkne nye kite msh lg syg pd dia.
yer.. rsa sakit sgt..

PS: im still luv u huk!

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